Forgiveness Vespers (UA•EN)

The service of Vespers on the Sunday of Forgiveness (Sunday of Cheese Fare) which inaugurates the Great Fast — the penitential period leading to Holy Pascha, the Bright Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. At the end of the service, the Rite of Mutual Forgiveness — at which all the assembled ask one another in turn for reconciliation, so that all may enter the period of preparation that is the Lenten Spring in harmony. In Ukrainian and English.

Forgiveness Vespers (UA•EN)2022-01-17T13:29:38-05:00

Great Compline with the Reading of the Great Canon: 1st Week of the Great Forty-day Fast (UA•EN)

The text of Great Compline with the Reading of the Great Penitential Canon of St. Andrew of Crete, as served on the 1st week of the Great Forty-day Fast. In Ukrainian and English.

Great Compline with the Reading of the Great Canon: 1st Week of the Great Forty-day Fast (UA•EN)2022-01-17T13:39:29-05:00

Great Penitential Canon of St. Andrew of Crete: 5th Week of the Great Fast. (UA•EN)

Text of the Great Penitential Canon of our Father among the Saints, Andrew of Crete, the Jerusalemite as read at Orthros on the 5th Week of the Great Forty-day Fast. In Ukrainian and English.

Great Penitential Canon of St. Andrew of Crete: 5th Week of the Great Fast. (UA•EN)2022-01-17T16:18:28-05:00

Holy and Great Friday Orthros with the Reading of the 12 Passion Gospels [Abridged]. (UA•EN)

The text of the service of Orthros on Holy and Great Friday (served Thursday evening) with the reading of the 12 Passion Gospels, describing the betrayal, suffering and crucifixion of our Lord, God and Saviour, Jesus Christ. In Ukrainian and English.

Holy and Great Friday Orthros with the Reading of the 12 Passion Gospels [Abridged]. (UA•EN)2022-01-17T16:26:13-05:00

Holy and Great Friday Vespers: the Crucifixion of our Lord, God and Saviour, Jesus Christ. (UA•EN)

Text for Holy and Great Friday Vespers: the Crucifixion of our Lord, God and Saviour, Jesus Christ [Abridged]. In Ukrainian and English.

Holy and Great Friday Vespers: the Crucifixion of our Lord, God and Saviour, Jesus Christ. (UA•EN)2022-01-17T16:56:15-05:00

Діяння Святих Апостолів • Acts of the Holy Apostles. (UA)

Діяння Святих Апостолів • Acts of the Holy Apostles, read in its entirety on Holy and Great Saturday, the evening preceding the Bright Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Українською.

Діяння Святих Апостолів • Acts of the Holy Apostles. (UA)2022-01-17T15:41:01-05:00

The Office of the Third and Sixth Hours. (UA•EN)

The Offices of the Third and Sixth Hours from the Horologion. These Hours, consisting of Psalms, Troparia, Kontakia and prayers are appointed to be read immediately before the beginning of the Divine Liturgy. In Ukrainian and English.

The Office of the Third and Sixth Hours. (UA•EN)2022-01-17T18:25:12-05:00
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